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Leonova I. S. Subjective Well-Being and Labor Involvement of Senior Employees: Gender Aspect. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 4, pp. 412-418. DOI:
Subjective Well-Being and Labor Involvement of Senior Employees: Gender Aspect
The results of the empirical study of the male and female senior personnel`s subjective well-being in manufacturing and medical organizations with different involvement in innovative processes (ordinary and innovative companies) are presented. The subjective well-being is considered as an emotional regulator of labor activity, the indicator of the socio-psychological age and determinant of personal labor involvement. It is shown that labor involvement is significantly higher and the subjective well-being of the employees is statistically significantly better in the innovative companies than in the ordinary ones. The gender and professional specificity of the subjective well-being is revealed. The approaches to management optimization are formulated.
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