
Subjective Well-Being and Labor Involvement of Senior Employees: Gender Aspect

The results of the empirical study of the male and female senior personnel`s subjective well-being in manufacturing and medical organizations with different involvement in innovative processes (ordinary and innovative companies) are presented. The subjective well-being is considered as an emotional regulator of labor activity, the indicator of the socio-psychological age and determinant of personal labor involvement.

Social and Labor Conflict in the Estimates of Bank Employees

The development of the digital economy and the introduction of artificial intelligence into the financial sphere of Russia change the system of social relations of the modern bank. On the one hand, the composition of accumulated information resources increases, the nomenclature of technical digital means of labor is updated and the composition of internal subjects of financial organizations expands. On the other hand, in the context of systemic information transformations in the banking sector, the conflict level increases.