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Yurasоv I. A., Tanina M. A., Yudina V. A., Kuznetsova E. A. The formation of philistinism as a stratum of the middle class in the Russian class society. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 1, pp. 73-78. DOI:

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The formation of philistinism as a stratum of the middle class in the Russian class society

The article considers the problems of changes in the social structure of society as a result of the development of the Russian Federation according to the Western capitalist models. It is noted that market capitalism has brought to the Russian soil, along with some modernization processes and phenomena old archaic social practices, which were expressed in feudalization and class transformation of the Russian society. The formation of the archaic petty bourgeoisie as a form of middle class existence within some modern Russian estates, such as the shadow selfemployed workers estate, teachers estate, scientifi c and teaching estate, medical doctors and information (bloggers, ticktockers) is considered. It is shown that this social group, despite some diff erences, forms a common class and professional identity, a special specifi c lifestyle, style of consumption, a special bourgeois understanding of social prestige, a special class culture. The conclusion is formulated that modern Russian petty bourgeoisie as a specifi c type of urban dweller, as a form of middle class existence of some estates is a stabilizing stratum, strengthening the stability of Russian society, on the one hand, and a source of archaic socio-economic practices, on the other.

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