Cite this article as:
Seidov V. G. The Transnationalization of Mass Media in the Globalization Process. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 1, pp. 22-26. DOI:
The Transnationalization of Mass Media in the Globalization Process
The subject of this research is the transnationalization of mass communication as a phenomenon directly related to globalization. Based on the comparison of the views of different scientists, the author analyzes the place of the media and communications in modern society, in the transition of different social relations (economic, political) of the levels of competence of national States at the international, supranational level. Special attention is drawn to the role of the global computer network Internet, which significantly affects the deepening of the globalization processes, particularly in the information sphere. The article emphasizes and defines the value of the Internet as a modern vector of transnationalization, but it has negative social consequences of the global spread of the Internet. The author distinguishes objective factors of transnationalization (the emergence and development of media business, based on the use of new technologies; occurrence of a universal demand for products and new technologies by consumers of different countries) and subjective factors (this is a modern liberal values; the impact of media and communication on public perception and public opinion). The article compares the indicators of social efficiency of the Internet and TV channels. The author comes to the conclusion that the spread of influence of different media, the rapid development of Internet contributes to the increasing influence of mass communications at the regional and global levels, enhancing the effectiveness of mass media in the formation and regulation of public opinion.
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