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Bogdanov A. V. To the issue of evaluating the effectiveness of gaming technologies within the formation of political culture of youth in modern Russia. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 2, pp. 221-225. DOI:

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To the issue of evaluating the effectiveness of gaming technologies within the formation of political culture of youth in modern Russia

The author analyzes eff ectiveness of gaming technologies for the formation of political culture of modern Russian youth, reveals the role of the educational system in cultivation of civic responsibility among young people. It is substantiated that the infl uence of a game on the model of political behavior of a young person depends on the type of game model used. Classifi cations of gaming practices are highlighted. Analysis shows that these practices’ application in the educational process contributes to the formation of relevant knowledge, skills and habits of political behavior, and has a direct impact on the value bases of developing models of political participation of the younger generation. The author identifi es a way to overcome the problem of evaluating the eff ectiveness of the game practices used through a set of certain values that are found in the framework of the study of the political culture of youth using the appropriate methodology of analysis.

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