
The role of mass media in the socialization of personality and generations (on the basis of sociological materials)

The problem of socialization of the individual and generations is one of the most urgent ones. The influence of mass media is associated with certain challenges and risks for society and individuals, especially in relation to socially insuffi ciently mature children, adolescents and youth. It is in the young age that individuals go through the most crucial stage of socialization and the formation of a socially mature personality.

Conceptual Bases of Political and Legislative Support for Media Literacy

Certain premises of the key Russian legal documents (i.e. Constitution, Doctrine of Information Security, and Conception of State Information Policy of the Russian Federation) conducive to the media literacy formation are considered in this article.

The Social Nature of the Web-documentary in the Framework of the New Media

The article presents an analysis of the concept of the web-documentary in the age of online media. The authors considers significant changes in this area affected the social institutions such as film and media. The purpose of the article is the designation of the web documentary concepts boundaries and the selection of its specific characteristics and values in the society system. Considered in theory, reveal the impact of the changes in the media in the social processes of the Information Society.

Функциональная теория анализа текстов масс-медиа В. Бенойта: возм ожности и ограничения (на примере статей «Российской газеты» о президентских выборах 2012 г.)

Авторы раскрывают исследовательский потенциал функциональ-
ной теории В. Бенойта: показывают, какие возможности она дает
при анализе медиа-текстов и какие ограничения при этом возни-
кают. Эмпирическую базу анализа составили статьи «Российской
газеты» о президентских выборах 2012 г.