мотивация голосования

Specifics of Electoral Activity of the Second Echelon Political Actors in Modern Russia

Analysis of the second echelon parties and social associations’ participation in electoral processes within single voting day in September 2020 is presented in the article. An inference is made that as a result of municipal elections in different regions of Russia transformations related to strengthening oppositional forces’ resources have taken place; these transformations can manifest themselves as early as during the State Duma election-2021. Elections have shown that motivation of protest voting “we want reforms” is growing in popularity.

Participation of Media in Formation of “Forum” Properties of Motivation of the Electoral Choice in Liberal and Democratic Policy

In article features of use of information and communicative technologies in Internet space in electoral processes for impact on motivation of vote of voters are considered. Conditionally they are designated as the media “forum” mechanisms of influence based on use during the electoral company of the various information which does not have relations to direct interests of the ordinary voter. This factor is defined by the author as “forum” property of motivation of the electoral choice.