национальные интересы

International peacekeeping and the UN criminal justice: Political and legal correlation and similarity

The article identifies and reveals objective political and legal correlations between international peacekeeping activities and international criminal justice, which allows positioning the latter as the final phase of the UN peacekeeping practice. The need to take into account such correlation in domestic peacekeeping is substantiated on the basis of lobbying in the world for the perception of such practice of Russia from the angle of reconciliation of the conflicting parties; geopolitical obstacle to the implementation of any form of genocide; ensuring international peace and security.

Specific Features of Institutional Design of Diaspora Communities in Modern Russia (On the Example of the Chechen Diaspora in Saratov Region)

The article is devoted to the actualization of the problems of national diasporas in Russia and the study of the features of the institutional design of this socio-political institution in modern Russia. On the example of the formation and functioning Of the representation Of the head of the Chechen Republic in the Saratov region, the authors show one of the trends of centralization and regulation of the national Diaspora in the modern regional political process, which is an integral part of the national policy.

Education as a Main Factor for National Interests of a State

In this article, the author tries to conceptualize and analyze the educational factor in realizing the national interests of a state. The author applies the method of analytic eclecticism for education complex analysis in the frames of different theoretical concepts. In the system of national interests priorities the author offers to consider the system of education in the context of three interdependent factors: as an instrument of national security; as a main factor for social and economic development; as a mean of political influence (soft power).

Educational Aspects of Russia’s Policy in Asia-Pacific

The article examines the issues of Russian educational strategy in the Asia-Pacific region in the context of its geopolitical objectives and national interests at the present stage of history.