
Values of Russian youth in the social and ethno-cultural context (On the example of the focus groups in the Saratov and Samara regions)

The article presents a theoretical and empirical analysis of the phenomenon of youth values in the context of social and ethno-cultural transformations of Russian society. The results of focus groups conducted with the youth of the Saratov and Samara regions aged 18 to 35 showed the contexts of the manifestation of terminal values – family, health, self-development, freedom and personal and professional self-realization, acting as the basic guidelines of the younger generation and the characteristics of the relationship to ethnocultural diff erences.

The role of mass media in the socialization of personality and generations (on the basis of sociological materials)

The problem of socialization of the individual and generations is one of the most urgent ones. The influence of mass media is associated with certain challenges and risks for society and individuals, especially in relation to socially insuffi ciently mature children, adolescents and youth. It is in the young age that individuals go through the most crucial stage of socialization and the formation of a socially mature personality.

The specifics of the functioning of the modern youth identity formation mechanism in a changing social reality

This article off ers a look at the process of identity formation of representatives of generations Z (Homelanders) in a modern reading, taking into account such a challenge as a changing social reality. The rapid informatization of society led to the digitization of the social system and the datifi cation of the living space, which, in turn, aff ected interpersonal interactions and communications which are important for the socialization process.

Basic Factors of Formation of Patriotic Mood at Young Generation in Modern Social Conditions

The article deals with the actual problems of Patriotic education of young people, the change of value orientations under the influence of external factors. The perspectives of the youth patriotism education development reveal the basic concepts of patriotism and the modern interpretation and the main factors in the Patriotic moods’ formation among the young generation under modern social conditions are highlighted.

Role of Musical Culture in Forming of Youth`s Value Orientations

This article is devote to analysis of musical culture`s role in youth`s life. Particular importance attached to definition of character and force influence of musical culture on the youth`s value orientations. Based on results of sociological researches were described musical culture of youths, selection criteria of musical styles and places of listening to. It was offered the classification of youth`s musical orientation. It was assessed influence of musical culture and their other forms on the society.

Social Hybridization in the Context of Generational Subcultures

In article we had analyzed a process of hybridization of generations within culture space. We had reviewed natural, geopolitical and social and culture approach to definition of hybridization and proposed author`s definition to generation`s space term. We had analyzed process of forming hybrid of generations based in results of author`s sociological research.