
Media education facets within writings of A. V. Fedorov’s scholarly group: Political dimension

Empirical base of this article is comprised of five monographs by A.V. Fedorov and his colleagues published from 2013 to 2015. The author highlights several, from his point of view, the most urgent and important issues touched on in the writings considered. An idea is substantiated that necessity to develop social and political model of media education is becoming patently obvious nowadays.

Concepts of “nation-building” by F. Fukuyama and R. Cooper and their importance for modern practice of nation-building

The process of nation-building in modern societies within the framework of national integration is considered in the article from different approaches and taking into consideration analysis and understanding of foreign experience. Special attention is paid to the concepts and views of Francis Fukuyama and Robert Cooper along with their importance for practice of nation-building. An inference is made that today these concepts and attempts to implement them in practice cannot be recognized as perfect and adequate to current challenges of internal and external origins.

Election Control: Political and Legal Aspects

ВIn Russian practice, election control is a part of any election campaign. According to the current electoral legislation of the Russian Federation, a fairly wide range of people have the right to exercise control, in addition, web cameras are used at polling stations for observation. The amendments to the electoral legislation of the Russian Federation are aimed at strengthening control over the voting process and counting the votes of voters in elections.

ДSpiritual and Moral Condition of Modern Russian Society: Political-Ideological Determinants

The article describes the spiritual and moral condition of modern Russian society Its conditionality by political and ideological factors is shown. The need to develop the whole state policy in the spiritual and moral sphere is justified.

Political Segment of Students’ Media Literacy: Аn Approach to Measure It

In modern science, attempts to measure media literacy / media competence are made from time to time. However, those who try to do it usually employ different theoretical premises, interpret phenomenon under consideration in their own ways, and, as a result, use various criteria for evaluations. Based on the analysis of more than hundred most oft-quoted (both in foreign and Russian scholarship) definitions of media literacy, the author offers his own conception of the term and puts forward the way it can be measured.


Статья посвящена изучению состояния региональной политиче- ской журналистики, той роли, которую она играет во взаимодей- ствии основных политических сил и общества в период избира- тельной кампании. Используя методологию количественного и качественного контент-анализа публикаций ведущих саратовских сетевых изданий, автор оценивает степень реализации функций политической журналистики. Делается вывод, что подавляющее большинство медиаресурсов представляют не столько матери- алы политической журналистики, сколько различные PR-тексты, выполняя определенный политический заказ.


В статье рассматриваются вопросы сопряженности идеологии и свободы слова в Соединенных Штатах Америки: выделяются идеологические приоритеты на разных этапах исторического развития, анализируются показатели, характеризующие отноше- ния к свободе слова. Выводы указывают на то, что влияние идео- логии на свободу слова не нужно абсолютизировать. Идеология, скорее, задает некие рамки, магистральное направление. Отно- шение к феномену «свобода слова» не является постоянным, оно трансформируется с течением времени.

Meanings and Paradoxes Patriotic Discourse in Modern Russia: Political and Philosophical Foreshortening

The article shows a profound and comprehensive dialectical relationship of politics and patriotism. The analysis of the content of patriotic discourse in modern Russia, revealed the contradictions and tendencies of further development. It substantiates inconsistency of the theoretical and methodological receptions, liberal interpretation of patriotism, representing, in fact, pseudo-patriotism.

Professionalism of a Politician: Theoretical Aspects and Practice of Political Activity in Contemporary Crimea

The author shows theoretical and practical significance of political legacy to identify the nature and content of a politician’s professionalism, and reveals the difficulties and contradictions of the professionalization process of political activity in contemporary Crimea.

Проблема политизации социальных отношений в теориях информационного общества

В статье анализируется отражение политических процессов в различных теориях информационного общества. В центре внимания находится проблема политизации социальных отношений в постиндустриальном мире.
