
The Problems of Functioning of the Public Service as a Social Institution in the Russian Federation

The article examines the main problems of such a social institution`s functioning in the Russian state as a public service. The particular attention is paid to the ethical principles of the state and municipal employees in the context of the administrative ethics. It is noted that one of the problems of the civil service as a social institution in the country is the lack of citizens` awareness of the civil servants` activities results as well as the excessive bureaucratization of the internal activities of public authorities in the country.

Formation of the Information Space in Modern Russia: Problems and Prospects

The article defines the essence of the information space, identifies and analyzes the features and factors of its formation in the Russian context, discusses the basic segments forming its structure and shows the contradictory nature of their current state and trends of evolution. The study focuses primarily on theoretical understanding information space formation problems and is based both on general scientific (deductive, inductive, analysis and synthesis) methods and special scientific ones (including genetic, comparative-historical and structural-functional analysis).

А. I. Denikin: “To Work for the Benefit of National Russia …”

In article the public and political position of one of leaders of the “white» movement, the former AFSR (The Armed Forces of South Russia) commander General Anton Ivanovich Denikin is analyzed. Various parts of political process are considered (all-European and intra emigrant), the ideological and military confrontation related to it (which was monitored by A. I. Denikin) are analyzed.

Peter Struve: “On the Way to Good Sense…” (Ideological and Political Struggle on Pages of the Emigre Press of the 20–30th Years of the XX Century)

In article the public and political position of one of acknowledged leaders of the Russian emigration of the first wave, Peter Struve, is analyzed. Various parties of political process, the ideological antagonism of the competing “centers of force” of the Russian emigration, one of which personified to P. B. Struve, are considered. Separate aspects of ideological and political fights and their reflection on pages of popular emigrant’s editions of a different orientation are researched.