публичная политика

Expert Knowledge in Regional Governance

Under the conditions of social processes’ transformation based on technology development, on unlimited access to information and on rising the speed of social time, there is a need of changing the approaches in governance both on federal and regional levels. There is a public demand for transparency, social expertise and wide coverage at all stages of decision making process. This kind of public request could be granted by involving independent experts at various stages of governance.

Scientific Community and Authority: Experience of Interaction in the Region (On the Example of the Kemerovo Region)

The article presents the results of a study on the role of the scientific community in the regional socio-economic and political process in the Kemerovo region. The study used the analysis of information provided on the Internet, as well as materials of electronic media. In addition, a semi-structured interview method was used, during which representatives of the regional scientific community were interviewed, taking an active part in the public policy field of the region as experts.

Social Media as the Tool of Public Policy in Modern Russia

In article scientific interpretations of the concept “social media” are considered, functions (communicative, relativistic) and tendencies of their development during a modern information era reveal. It is proved that social media give the chance of upholding of interests in public space to both ordinary citizens, and the opposition movements. The Russian network community actively carries out political dialogue by means of social media, forming a public discourse and new forms of mass communication. 

Integration of Public Policy Institutions in Volgograd Region: Practices of Implementation of Intersector Interaction

The article analyzes practices of the intersectoral interaction in the public space in the Volgograd region. Conditions and factors, that determine the communication strategies used by institutions in the modern regional space of public policy, are specified. Strategies of political development of the Volgograd region, based on integration as the most modern and effective form of communication, are proposed.

Civilian Control in Policy Documents and Public Discourse of Political Parties

The article presents an analysis of the documents of political parties and public discourse on civil control. On the example of parties belonging to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the characteristics of the main goals and tasks of political parties coinciding with the goals and tasks of civil control institutions are given.

Перспективы развити я публичной политики в online-пространстве современной России

В статье рассмотрены основные направления развития публичной политики в online-пространстве России. Обусловлена необходимость формирования проактивной публичной политики, в качестве платформы развития которой предлагается использовать online-пространство, поскольку современное общество должно обладать сознательным выбором в принятии тех или иных решений, моделей поведения.