
The characteristics of the sports social field: Some elements of P. Bourdieu’s theory

The article raises the problem of transformation of modern society sports space aff ecting the public perception of sports activities and actors involved in it. The aim of the scientifi c article is to identify the characteristics of the sports social fi eld through the prism of sociological cognition of social space by P. Bourdieu.

The evolution of women’s sports career in the context of economic modernization in Russia: Factors and trends

The article examines the features of the evolution of women’s sports career from the ideology of sports in the USSR up to the modern realities of the Russian Federation. The pattern of the state support and motivation of the population to go in for sports were traced. The main attention was paid to the factors and conditions that determine the transition from the traditional type of career to a number of transitional forms that are taking hold in today’s difficult conditions of economic modernization of Russian society.

The Role of Physical Culture and Sports in the System of Youth’s Patriotic Education and the Mechanism of Civic Identity Formation

The mechanism of the person’s civil identity formation as a whole comprises, among other things, a patriotic component. The aspect of patriotic education of the young generation in the light of the global situation aggravation in the geopolitical arena acquires a special meaning. Besides, many recent investigations emphasized the need of transforming the new generation’s civil-patriotic education system.

Involve Young People in Healthy Lifestyle and Sports as the Direction of the Regional Youth Policy

This article discusses the features of development of sports in the Saratov region. The main sports areas in the regional youth policy, targeted programmes for youth to promote healthy lifestyles in the framework of the youth policy. It is very important to pay attention to the health of the young generation to carry out activities aimed at stimulating motivation to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Support and development of the sports institutions every year improved as in the municipal centres and in the region.

Формы и меры осуществления государственной физкультурно-спортив ной политики в Российской Федерации

В статье анализируются формы и меры осуществления государственной политики в сфере физической культуры и спорта, рассматривается соотношение между методами, мерами и средствами политики применительно к современной национальной спортивной системе, а также высказано авторское мнение о проблеме отражения данных категорий в официальных документах Российской Федерации.