внешняя политика

Some issues of cooperation between Russia and China in the Arctic

The article is devoted to the consideration of the reasons and a number of areas of cooperation between Russia and China in the Arctic region. The importance of this region for Russia and China is analyzed. The advantages of the Arctic for the two countries in terms of territory, economy, and politics are revealed. The conclusion is made about the relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and the exacerbation of the crisis of political and economic relations between China, Russia, and the United States.

Antinomies of the strategic cultures of the West and the East (On the example of Germany, France, and China)

Strategic culture, as a phenomenon and a concept, was not taken seriously for a long time. Today, western researchers understand that strategic culture has a direct impact on political decision-making process in foreign policy. The study of the strategic culture of France, Germany, and China can help to optimize the Russian policy on the world stage.

“Soft Power” as a Tool of USA Humanitarian Policy Towards the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

The article reviews the basics of the concept of “soft power”, which is actively used by the United States to promote its interests in the essential country of Southeastern Asia – the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Basing on studying of materials of Executive authorities of the United States, such as the State Department and the U.S.

Problems of International Crisis and Internationalized Conflicts in Policy Documents and Initiatives of the Political Parties of the Russian Federation

The article is devoted to the study of the content of the positions of Russian political parties on the issues of settlement of international crises and internal armed internationalized conflicts directly affecting the interests of the Russian Federation. The analysis of the party programmatics during the election campaigns of 2016–2018 and at the present stage has demonstrated a significant interest of parliamentary and other parties in carrying out effective foreign policy activities of the Russian Federation in this area.

Foreign Policy Mechanism: Problematic Theoretical Aspects of the Research

Problem theoretical aspects of the study of the foreign policy mechanism have been considered. Approaches of researchers have been offered. It was shown that the foreign policy mechanism is in the form of the political system, which provides the definition of the goals, objectives, priorities and directions of the foreign policy, and the allocation of resources for its implementation. The elements of foreign policy mechanism are divided into constitutional (state bodies) and extra-constitutional (political parties, NGOs, economic structures, public opinion).

Этнический лоббизм и турецкая политика Вашингтона в конце 1990-х годов

Процесс принятия внешнеполитических ре-
шений в США представляет собой очень слож-
ное взаимодействие самых различных сил аме-
риканского истэблишмента. Помимо основных
игроков на политической арене – республикан-
цев и демократов, придерживающихся традици-
онных правил игры, в формирование внешней
политики регулярно и очень активно вмешива-
ются представители лоббистских группировок,
чье участие зачастую не совпадает с общими
Ярким примером такого вмешательства лоб-