В статье рассматривается возможность использования электоральных и политических рейтингов в качестве инструмента политического манипулирования, анализируются способы фальсификации рейтингов, а также способы защиты от данного вида манипулирования.
В статье анализируются результаты социологического опроса студентов и выявляются основные типы профессионального самоопределения современных студентов, их потенциальные стратегии поведения в сфере занятости.
В статье рассматривается идея Н.Г. Чернышевского о знаниях как движущей силе общественного развития. Особое внимание уделяется механизму влияния знаний на общественный прогресс.
The article discusses the history of term «flaneur» origin. The author defines the «social flaneur» term. It is proved that the concept of marginal and social flaneur are not identical. The author presents a fundamentally new approach to the problem of «flaneurism» defining a complex phenomenon not as urban, but social. It displays the specific characteristics of «social flaneurism». The author argues that this term can be used to describe a particular phenomenon that emerged in the XXI century.
The article concepts of social guarantees in a context of new requirements of transition of the Russian society on an innovative way of development are differentiated and analyzed. The new expanded integrated approach to consideration of social guarantees is presented, the essence and the maintenance of the given categories within the limits of the new innovative doctrine development is discussed.
This article presents the problems of language role in the process of socialization, from the points of radical and social aspects of social reality construction. It is shown that the symbolic nature of language signs governs the creation of meanings to implement mutual understanding in the process of socialization. Special attention is paid to social conditionality of language functions in cognitive aspect of construction of social reality.руирования социальной реальности.
In the article the basic scientific interpretation of the notion «social stability», conducted a comparative analysis, reveals the basic characteristics, structural and functional factors of social stability, a model of stability.
The problem of assessing the economic situation in the Republic of Tatarstan on the basis of the analysis of public opinion on the economic situation in the region and satisfaction with financial situation of the family.
Thе article discusses the features of the labour values of youth as a specific socio-demographic groups, the role of youth as object and subject in the development of economic, political and cultural life, the study provides an opportunity for updating and forecasting targeted state youth policy in the region.
This article is devote to analysis of musical culture`s role in youth`s life. Particular importance attached to definition of character and force influence of musical culture on the youth`s value orientations. Based on results of sociological researches were described musical culture of youths, selection criteria of musical styles and places of listening to. It was offered the classification of youth`s musical orientation. It was assessed influence of musical culture and their other forms on the society.