Scientific section. Sociology

Corporate Culture at the Regional University: Defining the Concept

The article is devoted to the analysis of definitions of corporate culture, corporate culture of the University, corporate culture of the regional University and their relationships. The author gives the definitions of corporate culture of the University and corporate culture of the regional University.

Engineering of Research Design in Modern Sociology of Elderly

The article analyzes a major research routes in modern sociology of old age and makes emphasis on the most important issues.

Soсiology-research «Forsayt-aspect» to Use Creativity in Training of Competitive Experts

One of the immanent directions of socialization is formation and use of creativity in training of high school experts for implementation of the social order «Creation of the competitive enterprises and formation of bases of competitiveness of the country in general». Social institutes of science and education are urged to carry out ensuring this quality. As an initial link sociological data on a demand of creativity and existence it at trainees act.

Genesis of Risks in the Youth’s Environment: Sociological Analysis

In this article represented results of empiric research of risk in everyday life of Saratov youths. It was identified motives of risk preparation and detected factors, which affect on the risk`s attitude of respondents. It was such factors as respondent’s age, occupation and desire to risk and create riskful situation. It was allocated five groups of people: «hyper venturesome», «venturesome», «risky», «moderately risky» and «not risky». We showed features of every type of respondents and indicated their advantages and disadvantages.

Social Obligations of the Russian State in the Economic Crisis and Worsening Geopolitical Situation

The article discusses the process and specificity of formation of the social state in the Russian Federation. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the implementation of social guarantees of the state in the economic crisis and worsening geopolitical situation.

Stableness Resources of the Rural Socium in Crisis Situations

In the article the specifics of life difficulties overcoming by rural population in the period of their sharp aggravation in the society (crises) is grounded. The role of traditionalism and archaic character in realization of ways of getting the resources of surviving, and also new practices mastered by mobile groups of the rural population in the reforms period of rural life is shown.

The Social Infrastructure of the City Through the Prism of Public Opinion of the Saratov Youth

Article based on the results of empirical sociological research examines reflection of urban social infrastructure in public opinion of the Saratov youth. Identifies criteria for prestige neighbourhoods are the most significant for youth social problems of public transport, the construction of pre-school institutions, environmental and criminal situations.

Social Ideal’s Social-structural Determinations

In article the theoretical analysis of genesis of a social ideal is carried out. The author proves that the social ideal is caused by type of a sociality and acts in two modified forms: social ideal of communal type and public ideal. The public ideal as a special form of ideas of a perfect society organization appears only in the conditions of modern society and is connected with actualization of the main social contradiction «personality and society». In an ideological discourse we observe two ways of permission of this contradiction: liberal and socialist.

Features of the Social Base of Terrorism in Russia

Article is devoted to studying in domestic sociology of characteristics of a social base of terrorism in Russia. The attention is paid to interpretation of concept of a social base of terrorism; various elements of this category are investigated. In article, influence of incomplete modernization and system crises on emergence of terrorist activity in
society is studied. The mercenary motive as a factor of terrorist activity is considered. Also the attention is paid to the scientific analysis of involvement in terrorist activity of members of various social groups.

General and Specified Systems of Economical Organization Social Control

The article essence of general and specified systems of economical organization social control is revealed. The ways of organization control systems interaction and integration in modern Russian society reforming is defined.
