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Kalinnikova M. V., Malinskiy I. G., Minin A. A. he diffi culties foreign students experience upon entering educational environment of Russian Universities (On the example of Saratov State University). Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 4, pp. 408-412. DOI:
he diffi culties foreign students experience upon entering educational environment of Russian Universities (On the example of Saratov State University)
The article shows how Saratov State University, being a participant of the government educational program “Priority-2030”, works to increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of Russian higher education in the international market of educational services. Using the example of foreign students – citizens of Turkmenistan, the diffi culties encountered by foreign students -young Turkmen are studied. The empirical basis of the article presents the interviews with the 3rd year students from Turkmenistan at Saratov State University in 2021–2022. The choice of respondents was determined by the fact that Turkmenistan occupies the fi rst place in terms of the number of students coming to Saratov State University for more than a year. Nine in-depth interviews were conducted. The recruitment of informants was carried out by the “snowball method”. Analyzing the diffi culties Turkmenistan students experience upon entering educational environment of the SSU three key discourses were identifi ed: educational and cognitive, socio-cultural, and psychophysiological. It is concluded that the main problem that a young Turkman faces when entering a university is fi nancial diffi culties, for example, a delay in transferring money from parents, not enough money received, and therefore the need for part-time work to ensure a living wage. This circumstance aff ects the attendance of classes and interferes with language training, obtaining professional knowledge. Another signifi cant diffi culty for Turkmen students is the lack of trusting communication and assistance from local group mates as well as in obtaining psychological support and assistance from the teaching staff .
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