
Media education facets within writings of A. V. Fedorov’s scholarly group: Political dimension

Empirical base of this article is comprised of five monographs by A.V. Fedorov and his colleagues published from 2013 to 2015. The author highlights several, from his point of view, the most urgent and important issues touched on in the writings considered. An idea is substantiated that necessity to develop social and political model of media education is becoming patently obvious nowadays.

Ways to Counteract Political Manipulation in Mass Media

The main methods to counteract manipulative techniques used by mass media for political purposes are considered in this article. Among others, the author argues the necessity to compare information from different news sources, to check credibility of the facts conveyed by journalists, and to evaluate the extent to which a story is balanced.

Бизнес-элита как особый субъект манипулирования в политической сфере

В статье бизнес-элита рассматривается как одна из групп, являющаяся социальной базой субъектов политического манипулирования. Данная группа отличается своими манипулятивными
стратегиями, особым доступом и выбором средств и способов манипуляции, целям манипулирования.