
Social Communications in the System of Organization Managerial Culture

The concepts of social communications and managerial culture paradigm are researched in the article. It interprets theoretical context of interdependence between social communications’ development and managerial culture in modern organization. It gives proof that it is necessary to form new innovational managerial culture in conditions of uncertainty and dynamic of cultural area development. 

Innovative Company Towns as Potential Points of Growth of Economy of the Russian Federation

The article examines the role of Russian single-industry entities (the towns’), in which the innovative production necessary for national economy types of products, in innovative development of the country, it is argued that such non-diversified education can be a potential growth points for future development of the domestic economy.

Development of the Russian Single-industry Towns – Important Objective of National and Economic Security

The article examines the problem of Russian single-industry towns in terms of national and economic security. Particular attention is paid to the dynamics of the population in the peripheral Russian company towns (in the North, Siberia and the Far East) are considered territorial claims to Russia from neighboring countries and geopolitical threats.

Инновационный подход в совершенствовании военных кадров

В статье рассматриваются такие аспекты, как понятие инновационной армии и собственно инновации. В центр затрагиваемой проблематики ставится «военный профессионал», на которого и делается акцент при рассмотрении инновационной армии, анализируется факт введения приказа о поощрении физической подготовки военнослужащих и предлагается балльная система оценки выполнения военнослужащими своих должностных обязанностей.