
The students’ social well-being during a pandemic

The social well-being of the Russian students showed how steadfastly this category of youth survived the period of the covid-pandemic peak and the post-covid stage. Mass opinion polls revealed that the new generation mastered the distance learning system, and it properly assessed the prospects for virtual learning. Russian universities adapted to the new distance learning system despite the fact that the professional and educational Internet addiction of students increased. Working students pursuing “remote work”, were included in the state program of self-employment.

The Students` of Various Types of Specialty Legal Literacy (On the Example of Saratov)

The sociological survey conducted in 2020 revealed the ambiguous, contradictory nature and average level of legal literacy of students, since the prevailing majority of young people are only superficially acquainted with their civil rights and, especially – responsibilities. Young people more positioned the law as a mechanism for regulating their permissiveness rather than as a mechanism regulating their behavior within a certain framework. At the same time, the level of self-assessment of legal literacy of students, especially of technical specialties, is higher than the real average.

Political Segment of Students’ Media Literacy: Аn Approach to Measure It

In modern science, attempts to measure media literacy / media competence are made from time to time. However, those who try to do it usually employ different theoretical premises, interpret phenomenon under consideration in their own ways, and, as a result, use various criteria for evaluations. Based on the analysis of more than hundred most oft-quoted (both in foreign and Russian scholarship) definitions of media literacy, the author offers his own conception of the term and puts forward the way it can be measured.

Friendship and Betrayal in Student Wednesday

Article on materials of sociological research analyzes the presentation of students of friendship through the prism of social qualities (honesty, loyalty, compassion, understanding, listening) and self-assessment yourself as a friend (a sense of humor, sincerity, kindness). Identified contradictions provoke betrayal and destruction of friendly relations, especially in the maximalist form that loses its value with age.

Sociological Reflection Student Friendship Through the Prism of Social Qualities

In article on materials of sociological research examines students’ attitudes to friendship, emphasized the social qualities of a friend that with age increase its value for youth: honesty, compassion, understanding, listening skills, loyalty, sense of humor, sincerity, kindness underlying the maximalist interpretation of friendship, its utilitarian and entertainment, and reduce its importance as they grow older students.

The Substance and Social Functions of the Student Self-governance Institution

This article analyses the phenomenon of student self-governance in terms of the sociological approach. The term «student self-governance » considers three approaches: student self-governance as the independent activity of students, student self-governance as the form of educational work, student self-governance as the youth policy, and also in this article refers to the strengths and weaknesses of these approaches. The author emphasizes the idea that the student self-governance is an important factor of civil society development in Russia.

Роль СМИ в политической информированности студентов СГУ (по результатам социологического исследования)

В статье  анализируются  результаты  социологического  опроса студентов СГУ, которые демонстрируют роль СМИ как источника политического  информирования  учащейся  молодежи,  выявляется влияние гендера и профиля обучения на степень доверия и интереса студенчества к различным социально-политическим передачам

Рынок труда и сфера образования: проблема взаимодействия

В статье рассматривается взаимодействие рынка труда и рынка образовательных услуг в сфере профессионального образования г.  Саратова.  Эмпирическим  материалом  послужили  результаты авторского социологического исследования методом анкетирования и контент-анализа публикаций СМИ.


Студенческая дружба: возрастная динамика восприятия

В статье по результатам социологического опроса анализируются изменения, которые происходят в студенческом восприятии 
дружбы под влиянием возраста, отслеживается динамика трансформации ценностных ориентаций как основы дружеских отношений.


Оценка студенчеством реформ, проводимых в системе образования в России

В статье представлены результаты исследования по выявлению мнения студенчества об отечественной системе образования, ее реформе, дана оценка обучающимися итогов изменений, произошедших в высшей школе в ходе реформирования, определена мера удовлетворенности молодежи получаемым образованием.
