
Modern content culture of conflict-free communication of servicemen

The study clarifi es the current content and structure of the military personnel communication culture. To achieve this goal, the relevance of the analysis of military personnel communication culture and its functional role were concretized at the fi rst stage of the study. At the second stage, the study of the military personnel communication culture is theoretically justifi ed, its essential manifestation is revealed.

The values in the system of a Russian serviceman’s of the family social culture

Theoretical, methodological, and empirical substantiation of the problem of values’ development of a serviceman’s family after the implementation of the civil-military relations reform in Russia in 2012 is presented. On the basis of the study from the sociological survey “Family Culture of the Russian Servicemen”, the trends in updating family values in the post-reform period are revealed.

Military Servicemen’s International Communication Culture Development Problems

Currently, the contradictions of interethnic communication both in the Russian Federation as a whole and within the framework of individual military collectives worsen. At present, an important condition for the development of the culture of interethnic communication of servicemen is the process of searching and resolving internal contradictions of socio-cultural interaction of servicemen. In this context, the internal problems of the servicemen interethnic communication culture development are considered as a factor of these practices inhibition.

Project Development of Contract Serviceman Human Cultural Capital

Suppressive factors of cultural human capital development of contract soldiers and sergeants are revealed. Solutions of ascertained problems are presented, propositions directed to designing of proactive development processes of cultural development of contract military personnel are developed.

Военнослужащие в социальной структуре современного Российского общества

В статье дано определение социального слоя военнослужащих, показано его место в структуре современного общества, также 
затронут вопрос о специфике слоя военнослужащих. Приведена авторская стратификационная модель социальной группы военнослужащих.