
Social regulation of pandemic risks in youth assessments

The article analyzes the attitude of young people to the actions of the Government of the Russian Federation to reduce the risks of a pandemic. The attitude contains multilevel ideas about what should be and what exists in the activities of government structures and is refl ected in value judgments. They are considered in the mainstream of traditional analysis: in relation to age, educational level, types of activity; within the framework of the concept of self-regulation of youth life: in connection with archetypes, individual features of mentality, habitual attitudes.

Russian models of interaction between state authorities and youth associations

Based on the analysis of the interaction of state authorities with youth associations in the 1990s–2000s, the authors conclude that engagement in such structures provides an opportunity to involve young people in social, economic, and political processes in the regions through project and regulatory activities. Expediency of activating such activities is justified, since it is in the process of such interaction that an active civil position of young people is formed.

Social singularity and liminality as the factors of modern youth life

Youth is a social group reproducing both positive experience and negative trends in social transformations. Modern society, in turn, is characterized by complex, contradictory and multidirectional trends. A high proportion of risk and uncertainty gives rise to the social space collapse phenomenon and the of the digital environment expansion up to the formation of the digital reality, leading to the fact that virtual practices are formed alongside real behavioral strategies.

Social-demination factor and practice youth in Russia and Saratov region

The article on the results of sociological studies conducted in Saratov and Russia reveals the socio-demographic factors of the reproductive attitudes of young people. The analysis of the data revealed that with age the acceptable and appropriate period of birth of the first child increases, the level of childbearing in the reproductive practices of young people increases, and the responsible attitude towards the appearance of children increases. However, the majority of young people (57.3%) do not consider children as a guarantee of personal, family happiness.

The correlation of mythological, ideological and figurative-symbolic mechanisms of constructing state identity

The article considers the place of figurative and symbolic cultural phenomena in the process of forming the state identity of modern Russian youth. These phenomena are considered from the point of view of the possibility of direct influence on the value consciousness by using the socio-psychological potential of “aesthetic information” (A. Mol). The correlation of the figurative and symbolic aspects of the formation of state identity with the mythological and ideological aspects of this process is shown.

Social functions of youth associations through the prism of the activists’ opinion

According to the results of the sociological survey conducted in 2019 (N = 350 people on probability quota-target sample), the synthesis of social and individual needs of young people was revealed when social solidarity as an urgent need is combined in the work of its associations with functional emotionality, satisfaction from meaningful fullness of interesting and useful activities.

Internet technologies influence on sociopolitical activity of youth: Sociological analysis

The article presents the results of the study that included the materials of two authors’ social polls (Nizhny Novgorod, 2020, n = 560) and the data on the search queries of Internet users from the WordStat service from “Yandex” company. The main research is dedicated to assessing technologies for influencing the socio-political activity of young people.

Youth: Subject-Object Status in the System of Municipal Youth Policy

The article deals with theoretical and methodological approaches to determining the subject-object status and involvement of young people in the processes of political, social, and economic development of a municipality. The starting point of the research is the assumption that the traditional approach to youth as a socio-demographic group, distinguished by socio-age and professional characteristics, does not correspond to the current dynamics of political processes occurring in municipalities and regions.

Тенденции развития научно-образовательного пространства в современной России

The article considers the fundamental concept of «scientific and educational space» as the integration of two fundamental spheres – science and education, on the one hand, and the territorial space of our country, on the other. The article deals with the trends in the development of scientific and educational space and their interaction with the Russian urban environment and province. The problem of increasing the human and intellectual potential of the territory is studied.

Basic Factors of Formation of Patriotic Mood at Young Generation in Modern Social Conditions

The article deals with the actual problems of Patriotic education of young people, the change of value orientations under the influence of external factors. The perspectives of the youth patriotism education development reveal the basic concepts of patriotism and the modern interpretation and the main factors in the Patriotic moods’ formation among the young generation under modern social conditions are highlighted.
