
Value orientations of youth and regional security

The article analyzes results of an online survey (N = 2021) of young people (aged from 14 to 35 years) living in the Saratov region. The author summarizes answers related to the respondents’ value orientation. It is concluded that the value identifi cation and orientation of young people are infl uenced by the safe conditions of functioning of regional society, as well as global political events.

Ethnic identity of the student youth of the Republic of Bashkortostan: A sociological analysis

The article is devoted to the study of the ethnic identity of the student youth of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of ethnic identity among modern students of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The empirical material of the study is based on the results of the sociological survey of students conducted in 2022 by the Russian Society of Sociologists in different regions of Russia, including the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Contemporary youth family values

The problem of value orientations of the younger generation, including family values, attracts considerable attention of researchers, since they form the core of values of young people, occupying leading positions in the structure of basic value orientations. A certain type of relationship and upbringing is built within the family circle where traditions and life experience are passed on.

The specifi cs of Saratov youth communication practices in social and virtual space

The article present the results of sociological monitoring conducted by the method of questioning in Saratov in 2022. According to the probabilistic quota-territorial sample, 698 young Saratov residents were interviewed. The results were processed in the SPSS program. The study showed that communication takes the fi fth place among the values of young people (after health, family, friendship and freedom). In the perceptions of young people, the most eff ective channel of communication is real "live" direct communication. They trust it the most.

Labor mobility of youth: Potential and factors of its activation in contemporary Russian conditions

The article substantiates the author’s interpretation of labor mobility potential and the factors of its activation in line with the subjective mobility concept. Its empirical verification is carried out on the basis of the analysis of the mass survey data and in-depth interviews conducted by the author among the young people employed in the economy of Kursk region, and their comparison with the results of all-Russian and regional studies. The research reveals a relatively high potential for labor mobility of working youth, expressed in the readiness to change jobs in the near future.

Gender aspects of the gaming practices in the youth segment of the Russian computer games audience

In the last decade, all over the world and in Russia, in particular, there has been an active development of the computer games industry and an increase in the gaming audience, while an outstripping growth of the youth audience is recorded every year. The presentation of the realities of the gaming audience of computer games is fruitful, taking into account the gender characteristics accumulated in computer games.

The attitude of Russian youth to the Special Military Operation: The role of media support of state policy

The purpose of this article is to analyze the role of media support for the actions of the Russian authorities in shaping the attitude of young people to the special military operation (SMO) in Ukraine. The results of sociological surveys are analyzed regarding the level of interest and concern of young people about what is happening within the framework of the SMO, as well as their approval of the course towards a forceful solution to the conflict and the most preferable prospects for the further development of the situation.

Peculiarities of perception of the main directions of Russian state policy by regional youth

The article discusses features of perception of the main directions of Russian state policy by regional youth based on the results of a sociological survey and focus groups conducted at the end of 2021 in the Saratov region. Based on the analysis of the received materials, the degree of interest of various age groups of young people in politics was revealed, and the specifics of the perception of the economic, social, cultural, youth, and defense policy of the Russian state were pinpointed.

The essence and content of the state youth policy in the field of patriotic education of youth (On the example of the Saratov region)

The article analyzes the essential characteristics of the directions of implementation of patriotic education in the fi eld of state youth policy in Russian Federation. The problem of the disadvantages of this activity is studied. It is concluded that despite the eff orts made and the work done, the current state of the formation of patriotism of Russian youth is characterized as a problematic one due to the ongoing transformation of the values and norms among the younger generation, the inconsistency of the work of the authorities, educational institutions and the media.

Sociological conceptualization of patriotism from the perspective of studying the effectiveness of youth policy

The article analyzes the concept of “patriotism” as a social and moral principle that determines the attitude of citizens towards their country. This attitude is considered within a complex set of feelings, knowledge, value orientations, attitudes, actions, usually articulated as love for the motherland. The procedure for identifying the eff ectiveness of youth policy indicators showing the presence / absence of patriotism is studied.
