
The Role of Physical Culture and Sports in the System of Youth’s Patriotic Education and the Mechanism of Civic Identity Formation

The mechanism of the person’s civil identity formation as a whole comprises, among other things, a patriotic component. The aspect of patriotic education of the young generation in the light of the global situation aggravation in the geopolitical arena acquires a special meaning. Besides, many recent investigations emphasized the need of transforming the new generation’s civil-patriotic education system.

The City Social Infrastructure as a the Reflection of Physical Space Quality

The modern process of urbanization actualizes the urban space social infrastructure organization quality. The article deals with organizing as one of most important components of the city’s social infrastructure – a physical space. The physical urban space is considered as a complex and diverse organism, consisting of certain clusters: nature-ecological, engineering, transport, culturally-historical, socially-settling. They form a single, complementary and ever-changing system that provides urban residents with a full range of functions.

Young Generation Models of Attitude to Kazakhstan Youth Associations

The article presents the results of youth public opinion polls revealing three approaches to youth organizations development: political-ideological structure (a dominant one); socialization mechanism; a response to the youth problems, needs and demands. The study made it possible to reveal four attitude models of Kazakhstan youth to their associations: 1) active-conforming one, focused on achieving success within social norms (every fifth citizen of Kazakhstan); 2) radically-protestant (1–2%); 3) passive majority; 4) absentive (about 20%).

The Structure and Functions of Youth Self-Employment in the Region

The social space of the contemporary Russian labor market is characterized by the growing dynamics of changes, its structure becoming more differentiated and amorphous. Nonstandard, unsustainable employment including selfemployment practices gains larger scale. The above mentioned changes have controversial social consequences, especially at the regional level, where the problems of human capital preservation and reproduction are of importance.

Intellectual Potential Development as a Promising Area of Work with Young People

The article discusses new approaches to the development of the intellectual potential of young people. The peculiarities and distinctive features of youth participation in programs and competitions aimed at the development of intellectual abilities is studied. Age peculiarities of youth intelligence development from the educational and sociological approaches are analyzed. The content of the phenomenon of «intellectual potential of the youth» is considered, and the young people intellectual potential effective conditions realization within the educational environment is identified.

Strategy of Employment: in Search of Conceptual Justification of Innovation Policy

The paper considered approaches to definition of strategy of employment, one of the most widespread concepts of modern researches of labor market. Features of each approach are described: their key categories, methodological assumptions and turning out typology. Restrictions are specified in application of the described approaches and a way of their overcoming. We show proximity of strategy of employment to other concepts – to the labor, professional, career strategy and we also prove their allocation in independent category in a type of global changes of the sphere of  employment.

Young Industrial Workers’ Leisure Practices

The paper describes industrial enterprises young workers leisure in Ulyanovsk. They are considered in the context of their working activity, family and consumer style. The factors connected with a work-rest schedule at the industrial enterprises, material well-being, family and children, and other biographic facts are highlighted. Leisure places of free time are characterized.

Labor Values of a Foreign Enterprise as a Factor of Choice in Young Workers Employment Strategies

This article focuses on the results of young workers qualitative research, which was carried out in 2017–2018 in Ulyanovsk. The differences in the young workers’ perception of work at the foreign enterprise are shown. The analysis of human resource management practices in the context of the values of traditional Russian production culture was undertaken. Stability, partnership, personal freedom and pragmatism are highlighted as aspects of the attractiveness of a foreign enterprise.

Sociological Foundations for the Reflexy on Favorable Urban Environment in Youth Public Opinion

The article deals with modern urbanization process leading to the transformation not only of the socio-economic characteristics of the territorial community, but also changing the population’s perception of life quality in urban environment. A public opinion poll conducted among the youth of the city of Saratov revealed the main tendencies in urban policy, namely: the city should provide such an environment in which people will want to live. The paper identifies the main factors that, in the opinion of the respondents, make the urban environment favorable.

Political Segment of Students’ Media Literacy: Аn Approach to Measure It

In modern science, attempts to measure media literacy / media competence are made from time to time. However, those who try to do it usually employ different theoretical premises, interpret phenomenon under consideration in their own ways, and, as a result, use various criteria for evaluations. Based on the analysis of more than hundred most oft-quoted (both in foreign and Russian scholarship) definitions of media literacy, the author offers his own conception of the term and puts forward the way it can be measured.
