
Contemporary youth family values

The problem of value orientations of the younger generation, including family values, attracts considerable attention of researchers, since they form the core of values of young people, occupying leading positions in the structure of basic value orientations. A certain type of relationship and upbringing is built within the family circle where traditions and life experience are passed on.

The formation of the attitude towards money in the context of family fi nancial confl ict

The article examines the role of the family in the formation of the attitude towards money. The circumstances of family fi nancial confl icts are investigated. The cases of fi nancial contradictions in the parental family are analyzed. (based on the memories of an adult about his childhood. Situations where either emotional or rational aspect prevailed in fi nancial decision-making are investigated. Special aspects of fi nancial behavior strategies, attitudes to spending and investments are clarifi ed.

Young family in the region: Theory, practice and problems of family policy

The results of a sociological study conducted in Saratov show that the modern young family is transitional from the fi rst traditional type to the second, partner. Its life is characterized by the lengthening of the marital period, a variety of leisure activities, the traditional distribution of duties, limited material opportunities, help from parents, a high level of confl ict. Despite the low awareness of measures to support young families, the majority of respondents are aware of the need to create special programs aimed at comprehensive support of young families.

Divorce in the post-Covid period: Causes and consequences

The article is devoted to the study of the main trends in divorce rates in three subjects of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Saratov and Chelyabinsk regions) for the period of 2011–2019, taking into account a number of socio-demographic indicators: gender, age, duration of marriage, number of children in the family and the place of residence (city / village).

The role of mass media in the socialization of personality and generations (on the basis of sociological materials)

The problem of socialization of the individual and generations is one of the most urgent ones. The influence of mass media is associated with certain challenges and risks for society and individuals, especially in relation to socially insuffi ciently mature children, adolescents and youth. It is in the young age that individuals go through the most crucial stage of socialization and the formation of a socially mature personality.

Rural self-employment: Methodical approaches to measurement and analysis

The article presents the experience of applying the theoretical and methodological means and tools of sociology to study the process of integration and diff erentiation of rural residents, taking place on the basis of family management. It is shown that the range of diff erences within the actors of self-employment is determined by the demographic composition, the production potential of the farmstead, and the orientation towards development. Integration issupported by the similarity of cultural values.

Family violence in COVID-19 pandemic: Who is guilty and what to do?

The article presents the analysis of the problem of domestic violence on the basis of domestic and foreign statistical data and the research results. Attention is focused on the aggravation of this problem during the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19 in many countries of the world.

The values in the system of a Russian serviceman’s of the family social culture

Theoretical, methodological, and empirical substantiation of the problem of values’ development of a serviceman’s family after the implementation of the civil-military relations reform in Russia in 2012 is presented. On the basis of the study from the sociological survey “Family Culture of the Russian Servicemen”, the trends in updating family values in the post-reform period are revealed.

Police Officers’ Social Well-Being: Gender and Settlement Characteristics

The need to study the social well-being of police officers is due to the high importance of this profession for protecting the rights and legitimate interests of the Russian population, and for ensuring public order. It examines the gender and settlement characteristics of the police officers ‘social well-being, which affect the police officers’ perception of their level of social protection, remuneration and bonuses, career prospects, satisfaction with housing conditions, relations with colleagues, friends, neighbors, and family life.

A Modern Family with a Sick Relative as an Object of Assistance and a Subject of Self-Support in the Scope of Social Policy

The article discusses how the state interacts with the family as a social institution through the prism of the state family policy. The paper also monitors processes behind changing vectors in the area of family policy development in their historical dynamics, which, in its turn, reveals the negative aspects of implementing family policy in paternalistic and liberal directions. The author examines key features of the family policy modern model in the Russian Federation.
