Izvestia of Saratov University. Politology. 2022. Т. 22, iss. 3 File downloaded: 137 times.The number of page views: 352 222022№3Full Text (PDF): sociologiya_2022_3.pdf Content Scientific section. Sociology Maliy V. I. Russian single-industry towns in the context of macroeconomic instability and systemic risks 246 Pokatov D. V. Integral-critical approach as a direction of sociological analysis of the political elite 251 Beginina I. А. Young family in the region: Theory, practice and problems of family policy 255 Nikiforov G. Y., Romanovskaia O. А. The specifics of empirical studies of digital socialization based on the materials of the Russian Internet Development Fund 261 Semenova Y. А., Mohnatkina K. V. Practices of entrepreneurship women’s in the region: Generational aspect 265 Lushnikova O. L. Employment as a factor of social well-being of rural population 272 Mohnatkina K. V. Poverty as the basis of social deprivation of Russians 278 Ufimceva Е. I. The process of conversion in the context of Orthodox religiosity 289 Fomin E. V. Sociological analysis of doctrine and social organization of new religious movements in Russia 298 Alekseev D. V. Integration of immigrants in Spain: Circumstances, state policy, possibilities of use in Russia 305 Antonova V. K., Dombrovsk E. V., Yarskaya-Smirnova V. N. Compressed pandemic time 314 Ziiatdinova E. M., Fatikhova D. R. Image characteristics of the subject of political process – municipal authority bodies of Russian million-plus cities: Social media analysis 344 A Word to Young Sociological Scientists Nikiforov G. Y. The essence and content of the state youth policy in the field of patriotic education of youth (On the example of the Saratov region) 321 Scientific section. Politology Semenova V. G., Pupochkin D. A. The main institutions and practices of formation and development of memory policy in the Saratov region 326 Pankratov, S. А., Makarenko K. M., Pankratova L. S. Protest media activism in modern Russia and prospects for its development 331 Lapteva N. V. Main challenges to the development of the system of higher education in modern Russia 338 Magomedov A. К. Post-Soviet Caspian as a geopolitical unit. Problems of description and contours of a new research paradigm 349 Yuhan Y., Popov S. I. The impact of China’s “soft power” policy in the Asia-Pacifi c region 355 A Word to Young Politological Scientists Zhichkin V. V. Assessment of Russian historical events in the pre-election programs of political parties in the elections to the State Duma of the 8th convocation 360