Scientific section. Sociology

Child-Parents Conflicts in the Context of Everyday Life Digitalization

The article is devoted to the study of the circumstances forming the background of child-parents conflicts. The investigation takes into account the context of everyday life digitalization. It is stated that at present children and parents relations are reconstructed under the influence of digital technologies. Nowadays, several contradictory trends in developing of child-parent relations are identified. They include active involvement of technical devices-gadgets, and the ones for fulfilling parents’ tasks.

Problematization of Senior Age People Consumer Behavior

The article provides a detailed analysis of the main approaches to periodization of senior age consumers’ cohorts. The definitions of «senior consumers» and «senior age cohorts» are given. Particular attention is paid to the approaches to segmentation of «senior consumers». The concepts of «new senior consumers» as a special socio-demographic group possessing specific values and consumer behavior are identified. The paper proposes to single out the concept of «generation» for the operationalization of senior age consumers’ cohorts.

Elderly People’s Satisfaction with the System of Social Services: Rеgional Aspeсt

The article is devoted to the actual, but little-studied problem of satisfaction of elderly citizens, as the recipients of services, with the system of the population social services. The article points out that in the period of increasing importance of the will of citizens in all spheres of life, the study of the social service system through the prism of public opinion becomes particularly relevant, as the population is the main consumer of social services offered by the state.

Russian “Russian March” as the Indicator of Citizens’ Social and Political Activity

The article is devoted to the analysis of citizens’ social and political activity. The motivational specifics of this kind of social and political activity is shown by the example of the responses of the “Russian March” participants in Saratov. Socio-demographic criteria as the factors determining the behavior of active representatives of the protest movement are considered and shown. Cross-statistical analysis allowed to present the portraits of typical participants of the “March” and its activists.

Improving Social Partnership in the Conditions of the Present Stage of Socio-economic Development in Russia

The article presents the problems of social partnership in Russia. The significance of socio-economic policy for realizing partnership between workers, employers and the state is considered. The main ways of social partnership improving in the conditions of the present stage of social and economic development of Russia are revealed.

Churching of Modern Orthodox Youth: Sociological Analysis of Factors and Trends of Development

The article is devoted to the sociological analysis of modern Orthodox youth of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROCh)churching phenomenon. The empirical basis of the analysis is formed by the all-Russian sociological surveys of Levada-Center, VTsIOM, as well as by the results of regional quantitative and qualitative sociological studies of Russian youth religiosity. The quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the churching of modern Orthodox youth are presented.

Improving Social Partnership in the Conditions of the Present Stage of Socio-economic Development in Russia

The article presents the problems of social partnership in Russia. The significance of socioeconomic policy for realizing partnership between workers, employers and the state is considered. The main ways of social partnership improving in the conditions of the present stage of social and economic development of Russia are revealed.

The Structure and Functions of Youth Self-Employment in the Region

The social space of the contemporary Russian labor market is characterized by the growing dynamics of changes, its structure becoming more differentiated and amorphous. Nonstandard, unsustainable employment including selfemployment practices gains larger scale. The above mentioned changes have controversial social consequences, especially at the regional level, where the problems of human capital preservation and reproduction are of importance.

Financial Behaviour of Pensioners: Transforma under the Influence of the Digital Economy?

The paper analyzes the transformation of financial practices`processes of modern Russian pensioners under the influence of the digital economy. The review of modern Russian and foreign studiesof financial behavior of pensioners revealed a weak developmentof the separate problems. The study was implemented within theframework of the Basic Research Program at the National ResearchUniversity Higher School of Economics (HSE) in 2012–2016.

Field Dialectics: Actor`s Contradictions in Russian Development

The paper is dedicated to the problem of theoretical approachesin empirical sociological studies of social development. Thelimitations of modern theories related to the insufficient potentialof explanatory irrelevance of their concepts to Russian realityare considered. The paper reveals the reasons of dialectic logictheoretical instruments` usage. They are related to the impossibilityof the revealed paradoxes` explanation within modern theoreticalapproaches.
