
The double-nature of uncertainty and risk phenomena under cross-cultural communication

The article studies the phenomena of uncertainty and risk, namely their double-nature. It is shown that uncertainty and risk are inherent in people’s life cycles. Their importance grows at present due to the abundance of information and digitalization. Special attention is paid to the various points of view on this problem and its characteristics. Moreover, uncertainty is one of the cultural categories in terms of cultural types. In this respect uncertainty and risk acquire special importance in the course of cross cultural communication.

Concepts of “nation-building” by F. Fukuyama and R. Cooper and their importance for modern practice of nation-building

The process of nation-building in modern societies within the framework of national integration is considered in the article from different approaches and taking into consideration analysis and understanding of foreign experience. Special attention is paid to the concepts and views of Francis Fukuyama and Robert Cooper along with their importance for practice of nation-building. An inference is made that today these concepts and attempts to implement them in practice cannot be recognized as perfect and adequate to current challenges of internal and external origins.

The Mobility Turn as an Educational Challenge in Modern Society

The article discusses the main idea of the study, that is discovering a number of problems generated by social dynamics and mobility. By using the methodological potential of sociology, the essence and logic of the mobility turn as a metaphor for the development of modern society is demonstrated. The radical changes in sociocultural dynamics that are also achieved by modern social sciences (sociology of mobility and other postmodern concepts) are shown.

Opportunities and Prospects for the Knowledge Society Development in the Era of Globalization

The article covers an overview of the main approaches and concepts of globalization, that giving an understanding of development the knowledge society only in the global and information society. The concept of the knowledge society makes it possible to realize the impossibility of globalization without the development of information, communication and network technologies. The opposite is also true. Thus, the knowledge society development and globalization are becoming complementary elements.

The Transnationalization of Mass Media in the Globalization Process

The subject of this research is the transnationalization of mass communication as a phenomenon directly related to globalization. Based on the comparison of the views of different scientists, the author analyzes the place of the media and communications in modern society, in the transition of different social relations (economic, political) of the levels of competence of national States at the international, supranational level.

The Strategy of Studies of Integration/Disintegration Potential of Islamic Factor of Modern World Policy

This article studies a different approaches and theoretical frameworks within which they clarify politization of Islam in the modern world. The authors argues non-efficiency of attempts to search of roots of the political reasonability and especially radicalization of modern Islam in the act of Islamic creation. In opposite to this simplifying position, this paper suggests politcal analysis both integration and disintegration potentials of Islam.

Development of Labor Migration Forms under the Influence of Global Processes

The article shows labor migration forms and their transformation in the context of globalization processes. Special attention is paid to the question of «knowledge migration».

The Transformation of the Social Structure of Russia in the Context of Globalization

The article is devoted to the sociological analysis of the social stratification of the Russian society in the context of globalization processes. Examines in a critical way research and interpretative potential neoliberalismo, neo-Marxist, resource and other theoretical approaches disclosed in monographic works. In the aspect of modeling the social structure of modern society represented the views about the relationship between social status and social stratification, social identity, and social mobility that is new to the national social science.

The Concept «Islamic World» and a Global Context of its Politization

This paper studies the main interpretations of concept «Islamic world» as well as it’s modifications as a result of migration processes in modern globalization. The author observes the crucial factors of politization of «Islamic world» in Western Europe and in Russia.

Globalizational Context of the Modern Political Process

The author tries to analyze the facts caused by the processes of globalization, Internet-communication, social stratification, and development of mass society which objectively destabilize modern political process.
